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is there anyone... (off topic)

Posted by adistantlight 

Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 01:08AM
I just woke up maybe i'll reread the post later.....I skimmed it. I pretty much agreed with what I read. Anyway I forgot where I heard this I thikn it was out of Jay Leno's mouth maybe.

I go to an environmental school where just about everyone voted for Nader....not me by the way and alot of the protesters are hippie/environmentalists that voted for Nader. What Leno said which I totally agreed with is the people that are protesting, alot of them voted for nader and if they didn't throw their vote away on him we wouldn't be in this mess.

Sorry....I think i talked in a circle....just woke up remember.

Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 04:44AM
musclesmalone ,
I'd agree with you on the most part, you have some valid arguements. However I really have to disagree with when you said "If nothing else then open up your ears because listening to actual facts from your proffessor instead of a debate between a bunch of kids will make you learn and you don't even have to read!" I'll agree that reading the opinions of kids who are most likley not in touch with the reality of government and politics is a good idea, however listening to your Professor is a worse idea. Its amazing how many college professors don't speak the truth or give both sides of the story, typically they are dems, but thats besides the point. The fact of the matter is every where you look for information, odds are someone is going to be biased. Foxnews is probably the most "fair and balanced" news channel around. I'm personally a fan of El Rushbo (rush limbaugh) and a great website is But again both lean in one direction.

I'd def. agree with you on N.Korea, Bush is in no way "scared" its just a very different situation. One that is going to be dealt on a different level. Iraq doesn't have the weapons yet, Iraq is an easier target then N.Korea, however still just as important. We'll see after Tuesday or Wed. what the U.N says about the 17th deadline. Like Bush said, its up to Hussein if we go to war, its in his court. I agree that the whole notion of war for oil is absurd. This question of "American in Charge" of Iraq, sound like we are going in to Iraq, wiping out Hussein and taking over the country for our own us. imperialistic conlinzation is the term i believe the other person used. That is way off base. I'll agree that we're not just going to go in remove Hussein and say ok on your own now. Thats just not realistic, of cousrse we are going to aid the people of iraq until they can get by without us. But the idea that we are going to but an american in office in Iraq is just crazy.

Post Edited (03-10-03 13:48)
Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 11:21AM
"Unfortuantely," so to speak, for the people that think it's "crazy" to put an American in charge, are going to be dissapointed in that it's probably what will happen. The only other "better" solution I see to that is to overrun the country, wipe out Saddam, blah blah, and then let the Iraqi people vote for a president. After he (or she) is elected to power then we have to guard him or her and the country like a mofo until we can feel a little safe about clearing out. Which we will do, we are America after all, however realistically that will take a least a year that will probably go by pretty fast in the grand scope of things.

I don't know about you, but I plan to live past 80 and that's already a lot of time.

Anyway, about the proffessors and such; whether HS, Elementary, or College etc. I was just saying that the facts they present you can really learn something from. You obviously can't escape the bias; that's why I cynically (spelling) made my point about cheaper gas. But I'm glad all of you took in what I said with an open and realistic mind.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 01:53PM
Ok..we need to Define "American in Charge" if by this you mean we are going into iraq taking over the country and running it at our own will for the long term, this notion is absurd. However if you mean that we are going into iraq "eliminating" Hussein and General Tommy Franks is going to run the country while the people of iraq adjust (which will take time). Franks will weed out any loyalists to Saddam and, Iraqi people of influnce will come back to Iraq, and the Iraqi people will have a free democratic vote. THen by all means You are 100% correct.
Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 02:12PM
Well then we are both 100 percet correct in that case.

And yes, that is what I meant.

Good day.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 10, 2003 02:53PM
this thread is evening out with the "john's hair" thread.

close pandoras box. close it, ****er.
Re: is there anyone... (off topic)
March 11, 2003 05:26AM
Glad to be a part of it.. lays down next to topic#

I absolutely love her when she smiles
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