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Posted by Stef 

February 24, 2003 01:48PM
hey y'all... okay here's the deal. My bestfriend, who's currently chillin in Florida for the next couple of months, just called me and told me the news... I know it's old to you guys, but personally, I'm devastated about the whole Vin thing. Jenny (the friend) and I spent an awesome night in October in Cleveland bar-hoping and joking with Vin and Brian. They are awesome guys, (that does include the entire band which we spent some time talking with) and I got an advanced copy of SHU, and have been in contact with Vin ever since. (not religiously or anything, but we talked every month or so) Now the reason I'm totally flippin here, is because Vin called me a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night and I was completely out of it, and I think I said something like I'll call you later. Which, once I realized that I had talked to him the night before, called and left a msg on his cell... I haven't heard from him since... Well... Jen gave me a call today and told me what she had read online... I haven't been to the site in quite a while and was really shocked, and I gave Vin a call... but his cell is disconnected.... so... I don't know... but I'm really upset. Like I said, this is old news to you guys, but I don't know what to think. I mean, yeah he's not the lead singer, and he might not be the "heart throb" that so many teeny boppers fell in love with, but he's part of the band. Part of the family you know?! what happened? does anyone know? now i feel like a total b*tch for not talking to him that night... (i wish I could remember what i said) I guess my question is, does anyone know what happened? I still wish the guys the best luck in the world, SHU is awesome, and even though GOOD FRIEND is an awesome song, I think they've got better ones on there that I'm waiting to get released.... but.... WHAT HAPPENED?!


I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 01:59PM
uh, what do you want us to do? roll over and die that he's gone? it's not really UP to us whether he's in the band or not so it's not like going crazy will do anything. personally, i would have the same reaction if john left. it's not up to us.
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:02PM
Okay, sorry you took my post the wrong way, but I'm not going crazy, but yeah i'm quite upset... you guys say you love the band so much so I figured that would include the entire band... not just certain members...

I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:02PM
I don't know exactly what happened but from John's mouth vinnie did not want to share a stage with him anymore. I don't know...I know things were a bit rocky for a pretty long time. Yeah...that's all I got. If people know anymore they are not spilling. But keep the rest of us posted if you find out anything else.

Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:09PM
Thanks Melissa, yeah Vin had mentioned something before about there being some arguments among them, but he had mentioned something about everyone colaborating on songs, and then getting upset if others said they didn't quite like it, taking it too personally, you know? i don't know if something along those lines happened, but that was a few months ago that he told me that. brian agreed when I asked him about that, so I don't know how serious it actually was.


I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:15PM
Hey Stef drop me an IM...I tried to IM you.

Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:17PM
okay, my IM wasn't on. stupid me

I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 02:18PM
K... I just immed you

I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 04:12PM
Don't take this the wrong way....but I think everyone has the right to voice their own opinions. The point of the board is to make the nine days community bigger and stronger not to tear each other down. I think some people on this board need to relax a little. I don't want to see this board turn as hostile as the old ones. I really like it the way it is now....where people for the most part are nice.

Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 04:21PM
Agreed.... No more evil Sony devil around, no more hostility towards each other, promise? But either way, Vinnie is gone, we are all kind of sad, but we should move on and support ND and whoever the new drummer is.


Re: Vin?
February 24, 2003 10:34PM
Nicely put Colleen....I agree

Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 04:05AM
Totally agreed, I was just kind of shocked to see the lack of response about Vin leaving. But anywho... like I said before, I wish the guys the best of luck.


I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 06:12AM
also, maybe this is because its not the first time.


Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 06:22AM
OK here is the real story........It was a long long time ago and the guys started playing Dungeons and Dragons.........Vin had this really powerful wizard and was wreaking havoc all over the land. He had pretty much, with the help of all his little goblins, wiped out everyone else. Now we jump ahead to this year when he came upon John's army of Trolls who was led by a powerful wizard of his own. In the end John's wizard was just too much for Vin's to handle, plus the trolls just pounced all over the goblins. This onslaught led to a huge disagreement cause vin accused John of using improper spells and improper warfare tactics. This led to a shouting match which in the end caused Vin to not want to work with John anymore. I know its sounds rediculous to leave a band over a stupid game but sometimes life is crazy like that.

The original GURU

Its all about the hucklebuck!!!!!!!
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 06:24AM
*of course* It all makes sense now...

Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 06:32AM me sometime

im never on but when i me


I wonder what its like to be remembered- John Hampson
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 06:55AM
wow...steph is making fans left and right on this board

Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 07:32AM
it sounds totally obscure, but i'll bet if you break down the guru's story and suck all the metaphors you can from it, it just might be on the money...i have had a few "goblins" of my own from time to time. those bastards are tough ;o)

Post Edited (02-25-03 16:38)

Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 07:40AM
there are no metaphors here.............they serioulsy were playing dungeons and dragons.............

Its all about the hucklebuck!!!!!!!
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 07:42AM
...sorry...that's what i get for taking honors english and every lit class ever offered....
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 08:44AM
hey brian nice of you to post !!
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 08:47AM
Is that really Brian? I was thinking that was him with the NYC IP and the story.

Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 01:42PM
am i missing something

who is Brian on this board

Tracy <~~~ needs sleep

I wonder what its like to be remembered- John Hampson
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 01:52PM
IT ALLL MAKES SENSE NOW.......not the dungeons and dragon thing, but something else.......

p.s. why is it that so many guys play that damn game????
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 02:52PM
hahahha brian with GURU in his name HHAHAHAHAHAH
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 04:48PM
A long night at work, and I feel like I missed so much gossip! Geez... what am I to? I'm not in highschool... I'm not surrounded by hormonious (is that a word) gossiping chicks, therefore, I have to get my gossip from here, and I feel so left out of it!

Fan's of my own? One day... just not quite yet... but remember the name... (you'll be screamin it later) (just kidding)

Anywho, was that really Brian? Sounds like something crazy and messed up that he'd come out with. Normally when I see something that stupid posted, I skip over it and pretend like it was never there, but the whole wizard/gnome thing was pretty funny, so I sat in on a good laugh. Maybe I should do that more often.

Well that's all for now, IM me if you wanna talk.. or keep posting here, it's Tuesday night and I have no life... well I've got crap loads of work, but that's completely besides the point!


I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 25, 2003 05:34PM
Things I should be doing- studying for my psych midterm in 8 hours... which by the way I still am only half way done learning the stuff for... AHH!

Things I am doing- reading the message board, laughing, and trying to process things not related psych, like all this goobledygook.

Sounds like Brian... why? Because... no AIM name, email address, the IP address, and come on... it just sounds like some wacked out story he would tell. *dammit, why didn't I think of a crazy story* Whatever either way. It kinda bothers me... they know what I type about them on this thing. *awww man* no more talking about my stalking secret guys... promise?? thanks...

JUST KIDDING! sheesh... some people!


Re: Vin?
February 26, 2003 02:14AM
hahaha. Colleen I'm definatly feeling you on the whole studying thing. I've got a script due on Thursday, and I've yet to finish it! I've only got two scenes done, and I've still got to take it to Kinko's and get it bound... BUT I've got to go to work at 5 today. Is it possible? NO, because I"m on this damn message board. Writing these damn things... GEEZ!

why does it bother you that the guys can see what you're writing about them? I'm a FIRM believer of saying what I think. So if I want to say that Brian is an idiot-*******, however all the while funny, when he's drunk, then I will. By the way, Brian is an idiot-*******, however all the while funny, when he's drunk! and if he's got anythign to say about it, he knows where he can reach me! And plus I'm sure there are tons of people who would back me up on it! lol, I still love him. He reminds me of my bestfriend! smiling smiley God blessed me with a life of knowing nice guys who become idiot-assholes when they're drunk.

woe is me,

I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
Re: Vin?
February 26, 2003 02:43AM
Well.. some of my insane studying paid off! I got an 89% on my first midterm (I just checked my email!) YAY!!!!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE

Ahh... the joys of dumbass drunk people... They make me laugh! It really doesn't *bother* me... I didn't mean like bother bother... I meant like... hmmm... it's just odd. And I'm babbling... that's what I get for staying up till after four am studying and then getting up around 8:30. But I actually think the midterm went well. ANYHOO! what was i sayin? oh yeah. I totally agree with saying what I think, even if it causes big trouble. (oh the memories) but oh well. Since I'm going off 4.5 hours of sleep and have ANOTHER fucking midterm tomorrow, I'm gonna sleep and then study and then study and then study and then study and then eat and sleep... Okay... that is what I want to happen... What probably WILL happen is that I'll sleep, check my email, check the message board, talk to people on IM, eat, think about studying, study a little, maybe do some yoga, eat again, plan for spring break, etc and then around 8 or 9 pm I'll start cramming. Whatever.... and once again. I'm babbling.


Re: Vin?
February 26, 2003 02:17PM
Colleen, are you sure you're not my twin sister?! haha


I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you...
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