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Re: Hey all!!
February 21, 2003 07:18PM
Ah, Lady Brandybuck

So glad to hear you are well. Do you take your tea with milk or lemon? I must say both are great. Whatto!

We certainly will have some tea in buckaland...ummm!

One must dash, but will return soon

James (well acctually, James Micheal Anthony Charles Cuthbert Darcy Mead)

(BTW not all those middle names are mine. only some...)
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:07AM
i drink tea straight with the teabag still in the mug (i'm a freak)... no milk, lemon or sugar. but i don't mind if you take your tea with all that stuff... what is your favorite type of tea?

i do like earl gray...

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:12AM
earl gray is nice, but after dinner at a thai resturant recently i am really into camomille tea with honey.

Am turning into a tree hugging hippy? Golly gosh no!!
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:13AM
You don't want to turn into a tree hugger...just about everyone at my school is. I go to an environmental school. They are all really really strange.

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:16AM

ok. I'll see if i can pollute the planet or somthing.
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:18AM
no no...I'm an environmentalist too. I just don't do the dreads, vegan hippie thing. I'm evil at my school for having a cell phone and eating meat.

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:22AM
Yea, what is it with the unwashed dreads?

And you eat meat?!?!??! Oh my god!! only kidding - i don't know what i would do without a good steak once in a while...mummmm steak (almost a major typo there steak streak...oh dear)
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 05:35AM
dreads are washed... just not brushed ;o)

don't pollute, our leaders have their master plan to kill earth while we live on it and turn all of this into a barren wasteland...

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 06:54AM
if you put milk and lemon in your tea at the same time, the milk coagultes and looks completely disgusting...the same thing happens if you put milk in any kind of citrus flavored tea even if you don't add fresh lemon. it's freaky.
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 07:46AM
Some of my fav ppl are hippies with dreads and vegans...i love them to death...i dont eat meat either but i have to comb my hair and being vegan just bothers me...i couldnt do it...its hard enough to find things to eat as it is...most hippies though are by far some of the nicest ppl ever...and hippie clothes are soooo comfortable...i wish it were summer already so i could pull out my skirts and tops and stuff...and my hooded pull overs in winter are wonderful

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 08:34AM
the reason why milk looks like that is because it curdles. That's why you can't put milk in herbal teas...well that is if you don't like curdled milk...eww

I didn't mean to offend any dreaded hippies....I didn't say that they weren't nice. They just do their total own thing which is really cool. But I just don't fit in with them and my whole school is full of them. For some reason the environmental hippies that go to my school tend not to live in the real world. There are actually a bunch of people that believe if everyone stops eating meat and grows their own food where there front lawn is the world would have no hungry people....yup, these are the people i go to school with.

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 08:55AM
lostphrophets is british & thats good enough for me. welcome to the board!
smiling smiley
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 11:47AM
I've always wanted to live in England. Especcially recently. Have any of you Brits heard of Nick Hornby? He's a great British author who wrote About A Boy and High Fidelity. Anyhow, England's badass.
Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 12:17PM
I loved about a boy...the book was better than the movie. I only saw high fidelity as a movie...John Cusack is great. Great movie

Re: Hey all!!
February 22, 2003 08:10PM
One apologises to all concerned regarding the unwarranted and unessesary branding of people who have dreads by saying that they do not washing them. I now stand corrected. I shall attempt to grow some.

I love Nick Hornby. I've got most of his books. I saw About a boy in Sydney during the summer (uk/us summer not aussie) and it made me kinda homesick!!! How very strange...(I was even homesick for Sainsburys!!! - the brits will get that)
Re: Hey all!!
February 25, 2003 11:21AM
i <3 high fidelity & about a boy

i also LOVE the secret diary of adrian mole... AHHHHHHH

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