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Another war topic

Posted by Bones45 

Another war topic
March 22, 2003 01:38AM
But not whether we should or should not be there... (thank god)

I was looking at todays Newsday, and a couple of the pictures show American/British forces and Iraqi forces.

Looking at the two soldiers.....

The Iraqis who were captured or turned themselves in, they look like a draftee out of MASH. Green outfits...nothing else.

The American soliders look like something out of Commando! Full gear--and about 30lbs of equipment on their backs.

How can Iraq even think that they are going to win?
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 02:03AM
Well Vietnam was even smaller than Iraq and they depended on getting most of their equipment from dead American soldiers and they still beat us. I just really hope that they don't have a superiority complex because we won the Gulf War so fast last time. The whole war thing just makes me very frightened.

Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 02:28AM
i heard on tv a newscaster say "it doesnt matter because in a couple of days we will OWN iraq"

ds'pfgo'eisrghoeiwrhPIJWAEOIQ#( *R HYfpe9rw8typ9w38y938QW4.

there are so many things wrong with that.
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 07:38AM
yea here is how i see the war, it's a 20 year old beating a 5 year old child then bragging about it!
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 07:43AM
yeah but the one of the 5 year olds is killing hundreds of thousands of other 5 year olds.

I don't know if that makes sense...i'm tried tried to continue the analogy. Dont' think it was too effective. Oh well,. I'm tired I need a nap.

Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 08:24AM
another thing that reeeeeeeeallly is bothering me...

MTV (those bastards) are showing all the normal civilians who live in baghdad, and are actually calling them when theyre hiding out in basements and telling viewers how terrified they sound.

i hate war. i hate ALL war. i hate that i can watch it on tv now from a digitally-blurred distance, and see all those buildings blow up, and realize that what i dont see is all those families scared out of their minds.

someone i know said "when i hear thunder, i dont have to question if its thunder or if its a bomb" <--that freaks me out too

k im done.
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 08:25AM

Post Edited (03-22-03 17:25)
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 09:44AM
A friend of mine got arrested the other day for being against the war at school...he got a bunch of his friends durring the pledge to refuse to pledge and walk off campus...he was arrested for causing a scene and starting a protest...

i hate war too though i do understand whats going on and why ...i dont think a lot of this nonstop coverage or the way theyre going about this to have a nonstop story is nessicary though...along with a couple other things too...i wish so much there was another way to go about this....

Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 01:30PM
the war coverage is a mini series

its entertainment...

this is why the religious freaks hate the western world...

You know what?

A part of me agrees with them
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 04:30PM
"yeah but the one of the 5 year olds is killing hundreds of thousands of other 5 year olds."

you know what, i wont argue that sadam is bad. but how does two wrongs make a right? they don't! besides in referring to a 5 year old, i am refferring to the defense of iraqi people, and the firepower of americans.......they are virtually defenseless, and all we do is bomb the **** out of them!
Re: Another war topic
March 22, 2003 04:45PM
everytime i see the bombing i feel sick to my stomach
no one can say innocent people will not die
its so sad

what if after this Bush decides there are too many terrorists in peru and kills my friends - BAH

me no like
its just making us look like a big bully

Post Edited (03-23-03 01:47)
Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 01:38AM
nice point about peru monica.
Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 04:14AM
I have so many friends either in Iraq or about to be sent to Iraq, they aren't allowed to tell me the exact date they were leaving. That's why I won't protest the war because if God forbid something happened to them I would hate myself for fighting against what they were fighting for. I'm so sick with worry for them and I can't ever get a break from it because there are constant reminders everywhere. This all just makes me so sad.

Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 04:25AM
That's an awesome point Annetta. I personally don't know anyone over there fighting. But last night my best friend here at school told me that this guy that she dated a few times is being shipped out tom. I told her I was sorry and asked if she was ok. She said don't be sorry and yes, I am OK. I am proud that I know someone that would risk their own life for their country. I thought that was areally noble and respectable thing to say. I guess that's what you must be feeling too.

Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 04:47AM
the youth of this country is weak
Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 05:06AM
The youth of this country it not weak. Though some of us are, there are the ones who are risking their lives to defend their country and everyone who lives in it. They are incredebly brave and should never be called weak.

Actually, I don't know where you live, so i don't know if your talking about America or not.


&quot;The Password is...&quot;
Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 09:22AM
I really hope you aren't saying that those poor boys....and that is what they are is boys most are under the age of 25...are weak...these people are litterally risking their lives and forever changing their lives to protect us. Whether we agree with them being over there or not we should be very thankful that they are willing. If I were in their position I'm not sure if I could be that brave. I'm sad that people have already died because of this. Those people who have died have families. Wives, mothers, sisters, children...who are devastated at their loss and I don't think they are weak at all. I am though very happy that we all have a right to say whatever we want for or against the war without having to worry about the consequences of our words with our lives. Especially being a girl, I know that there are many girls out there who aren't allowed to have an opinion. It is because of the brave people who have risked their lives in the past that we have that right. I'm sorry, I don't mean to get anyone upset by the things I am saying I just feel that I have to say them because right now I have to live with the fact that I may never see some people who are deep in my heart again because of the debt they feel they owe to this country. Thank you so much Melissa for understanding how I feel.
Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 10:51AM
You make such an important point Annetta.

I heard a man who is an active opponent to this war and is trying very hard to stop it still and minimize OUR young troops' casualties, say something that really struck me about why we , who are back home here ,have a DUTY to protest dangerous, unlawful government policy that puts our young soldiers out there in the front line:

" If a war is wrong before it starts,
its wrong after it starts."

He is a Vietnam vet and has been working for over 30 years for their rights and the rights of our armed servicepeople today.

Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 01:08PM
Thank you. That is an excellent quote.

Re: Another war topic
March 23, 2003 02:05PM
Yah,I know. He said a lot of real stuff. From EXPERIENCE,you know?
Theyre Veterans from Gulf 1, Vietnam, Korea and even WWII
against the war.

I think theye at like V and
I cant remember the exact moniker.One is "Veterans For Commen Sense".

A Vietnam Vet .nurse spoke and said she was a mother and soon to be a grandma.
She said that when she joined up
and served she took an oath to:

"....protect America from enemies both foreign and domestic."

and that she couldnt beleive that 30 plus years later shes having to stand up to enemies in her own country.
A right she fought for in the South China Sea all those years ago.
And that she would be labeled unpatriotic!!

None of these Americans struck me as weak at all.

Re: Another war topic
March 24, 2003 04:31PM
That is unpatriotic. You don't have any enemies in your fellow Americans just because they are pro or anti war. They are still your friends but to label them enemies is poor judgement.

All these people that are going out to protest are wasting everyones time. Others said it themselves that the CNN and Fox News is running and there is nothing you can do about it. "We are out here to try and stop the war and bring the troops home." Please junior, go back to your classroom and take some education in. Go home grandma and bake me a cookie. Let's go Dad; the car bill doesn't pay itself and etc. It's ridiculous to be out there because the war is started and it will end when Iraq is liberated.

You are taking the words of one reporter way out of proportion. But I'll humor you; we will own Iraq because we don't have a choice. It is only temporary however and obviously. We will help them, along with about 50 other nations to rebuild their country and make it stable and then most of us will leave. Hell, half of the force is going to leave when the war is "finished," but you can't just leave them bare ass.

It's a funny thing that happened on September 11th. Planes crashed into my freakin' buildings. I claim them as mine as any of you should. But apparently there are people here that forget that and cheer at protests against the war and then go running back to their homes to huddle with NBC and Friends when someone actually wants to do something about it. Those people then and people like Saddam weren't and aren't kidding around. They struck us boy, and they struck us good; Saddam, given more time would have kept screwing with the world and with the inspectors. Leading them in circles like puppets until finally he crafted some nukes or enough biological weapons privately to say, "mess with me and your gone." Well we said it first thankfully and there are plenty of people, like your friends, family, and well wishers that a lot of you mentioned that are actually willing to get their hands dirty and sacrifice their prime time television for a better tomorrow.

Yes, I am not denying any of the "bad" stuff. I am not saying people were not gonna die or they won't die. These things will happen but it's so we can have a better tomorrow. I don't care if your Dad makes 250 g's a year and you go to school in a Mercedes; that can all be gone an instant and you refuse to think about it because "war is bad" and "lives will be lost" so we will just wait until we all die together. Oh, won't that be a happy seen; we saved our troops and brought them home so we can all die together 6 months, 5 years, or 3.2 hours from now. I don't have an exact time for you; no one does, however, I do know that Iraq had enough time to say, "we won't break the sanctions placed on us and we won't kill our own people" to name a couple of "incident" in Iraq. Oh and if you are looking to travel to Iraq and like the weather cold, I here that Northern Iraq is nice this time of year. You can also find most of the Kurdish population there who fled their homes in fear of Saddam. I know I would run in the other direction if George W. Bush wanted to shake my hand.

Those people over there are fighting most importantly for the opportunity for you to finish watching Jerry Springer in 2006 and protest whatever you don't want to soil yourself with then. I'd submit a drawing for a new Sears tower if we would have chosen not to do anything and if I was married in the future I would trade myself for my wife so she could live and I would die in whatever terrorist bombing happened.

We let more then a year pass and mass amounts of people protest in New York. How many more flaming planes is it going to take? Who has to get shot to realize there is a problem? Don't think about it too much; there are already men and women doing the thinking for you and finally they have moved to Iraq to defeat an enemy to all of us and to our world.

We have made mistakes and done awful things like everyone else on this planet. Think about that horrible thing you have done. I'm thinking of mine right now. Now with that in mind stop putting down the United States for removing tyranny and being what everyone wishes to be but few can ever make a reality. A true super hero.

And in case you don't read "the papers" Zoran Djindjic was shot down last week in Serbia. In case you don't remember the Kosovo crisis it was in part to preserve Islam interests in the area and bring down Slobodan Milosevic. I forget we hate Islam so much.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: Another war topic
March 24, 2003 07:20PM
ay caramba...

Re: Another war topic
March 24, 2003 07:25PM
I liked what Rachel had to say about this.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: Another war topic
March 26, 2003 04:26PM
DO NOT misrepresent me.

I did not name any American my enemy.
WAR VETERANS Against Iraq War did not name any Americans their enemy.

That WAR VETERAN protests what she sees to be an unwarrented,illegal and obfiscated action that will unduly compromise and unfairly kill and maime our soldiers,

An unnecessary AND UNPRECEDENTED action
(you are right to be scared for future nations,Monica)

taken by an unelected pres./administartion that has ,in its quest for personal and financial gain,
at its disposal,OUR young soldiers ( as well as civilians:see state and local budget cuts,suspension of civil liberties, widesoread hysteria ..etc)
to use as pawns to meet UNAMERICAN ends,
has turned our GREAT NATION into a rogue bully state,alienating our historic allies-----ones we desperately need to combat terrorist cells,all of whom were committed to that end following Sept 11----
and thereby eradicated EVERY PRINCIPLE SHE FOUGHT FOR in a
looonnnnggg ,difficult and painful conflict all those years ago.....

She took an oath,she fought for it.
She says she will continue to honor that oath.

She spoke eloquently and FROM AUTHORITY of experience
on how precious and awesome our Constsitution and Bill of Rights are and how we MUST stand up for them.

And I do beleive,that a Veteran War Nurse-in -trenches may *possibly*
know a bit more about whats at stake for and ultimately best for the
troops than Dick Cheney.

That you misinterpret my statements as attack ,division and demonization speaks volumes about YOUR position .

DO NOT misrepresent me again.

I can see how you attack,distort and alienate other voices on this board.

I am proud ----patriotically American,you might say---to discuss ,debate and share information.

If you are unable to do this, do not REPRESENT

Re: Another war topic
March 26, 2003 05:27PM
Well they've hammered that information into your "brian" pretty well.

Old ties dwindle and new alliances are made. That's why they are alliances and not friendships. You are living in the past and not the present. Just like the hopeless protests that mean nothing but trouble for those that are out there wasting their time and ultimately commiting acts of terror themselves by throwing acid at police officers. That is the America you prefer and I differ with you on that strongly.

I wasn't misrepresenting you. How could I? Anyone who doesn't support the war doesn't feel the same way I do. You want to make yourself feel different somehow because you have your little club with it's own little credo that has surged into your noodle. You sound like your 48. I guess it's cool if you're on this board but this Veterans of War club sounds like somewhere you don't even belong unless you've already had a mid-life crisis.

Every person that dies on the field, on air, or anywhere else in combat is a tragedy. But they died for a free Iraq and they deserve freedom as much as we do. If old "alliances" don't want to follow then that is exactly what they are; outdated to the point where we will seek our own path for justice with allies that are willing to understand a fresh dose of reality. That is why we are a superpower and they are not. We didn't get here by shelling down in fox holes and hoping everything will be ok. World Trade Center 1993 what? Let's just wait; it will go away. World Trade Center 2001 what? Let's just wait; it will still just go away. You're living in a dream world where everything will be ok because we don't attack anybody and our wealth continues to grow while others suffer while they hate us for that and they will until they control the world.

Wake up and smell the Wahhabism.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: Another war topic
March 27, 2003 05:27AM
holy. ****.

nine days of rain

"dude, i'm old" ~jeremy
Re: Another war topic
March 27, 2003 07:04AM
Interesting point Amy. tongue sticking out smiley

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: Another war topic
March 27, 2003 10:45AM
>>>it will end when Iraq is liberated.<<<

you can't call it liberation, the iraqi people do not want to be liberated, and they sure as hell dont want us will end when halliburton has reaped the land of it's oil. oh by the way halliburton is the first company to get contracts to get oil out of the iraqi oil fields, it just so happens mr. Dick Cheney has ties to that company....oh yea that's right he was ceo before he was vice president. Go Figure.
Re: Another war topic
March 27, 2003 10:52AM
So it will end then because it just will. lol. I don't know what else to say but the truth.

You're right. Saddam and some others don't want us there.

But the people that weren't scared out of their wits to fight are happy to see us.

The media likes to paint a picture that is the most controversial but if you look past that it is there.

I'm sorry it's so hard for a lot of people to believe a war is right, but it is.

As far as Cheney goes; so what. If that's even true, that's such a little insignificant point to make a whole argument against the war.

He has ties?

I have ties.

Someone has to extract that oil and I would prefer it to be a reputable company.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: Another war topic
March 27, 2003 11:00AM
sorry i cant marry you
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