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Phantom of the Opera

Posted by UncleSam527 

Phantom of the Opera
April 15, 2005 04:10PM
Just saw this movie, never having seen the play in reality. All I have to say is WOW. Maybe the music is not the style that you like, but I love it. It was phenomenal. Anyone else think the same?
Re: Phantom of the Opera
April 15, 2005 04:16PM
As not a fan of the stage production or the story in general, I liked it. The movie had its flaws, but it made me like a story and setup that I think is horrific, so therefore it gets a B+ish grade from me.

Plus, it has a singing Patrick Wilson, so obviously it will be purchased by me. heh.

Re: Phantom of the Opera
April 16, 2005 01:05AM
I loved the movie. While it holds nothing over the show I think it held its own. Even if you aren't into the whole musical thing you should really check it out.
Re: Phantom of the Opera
April 16, 2005 02:21AM
1. some people i know didnt like the show- you justhave to have a thing for the music.

2. the show is visually amazing. scenes llike the chandelier falling, masquerade, THE BOAT RIDE, the phantom appearing in the mirror and in the angel are what make the show.

3. hugh panero is very hot.

4. i want a movie version of aida.

5. after i see sweet charity next month, ill be getting tix for spamalot because- well- how could i not?


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