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The Cigarettes
July 29, 2007 05:21PM
Someone explain them to me. I understand the feeling you get when you smoke half of one when you've been drinking. It's wicked. But someone please explain to me having to smoke a pack of them in a day. Especially having to have one as soon as you walk out into the fresh air like you can't stand straight up oxygen and you've got to taint it.

My girlfriend's in the middle of a half-hearted quitting stage but she's on vacation overseas right now and smoking entirely too much for someone that doesn't want to anymore and when I talk to her on the phone I can hear what they're doing to her voice and it breaks my heart.

Matthew Good's got a new album coming out in two days. He once smoked a couple of packs a day and they almost ended his career. He started smoking again, eight years later, and it's crystal clear on the new record that he's sucking them down.

I can't fathom the addiction. This isn't some high and mighty post though it likely comes across as such and I do have that feeling about me. I need it explained to me.

If someone were addicted to Nestle Crunch bars and had to eat them all the time I'd have a similar question, but Nestle Crunch bars don't make you smell and taste like **** and they don't cause your voice to die by the end of the day as your alveoli decide they've had enough.

Not to mention the fucking cost.


Go listen to my band. We're awesome.
Re: The Cigarettes
July 29, 2007 07:13PM
Re: The Cigarettes
July 30, 2007 05:01AM
I've never smoked a cigarette and never will
Re: The Cigarettes
July 30, 2007 03:31PM
I know exactly what you mean... my boyfriend smokes too and he's tried to quit a couple times, and each attempt has just lead right back into smoking just as much as before. There is quite a big difference between being addicted to crunch bars and cigarettes...nicotine is a bit more addictive than chocolate, haha.

I do understand the feeling a tiny bit because if I haven't had mountain dew for a while, I start to crave it, and I get a little bit of a withdrawal if I don't have it for a few days.

I told my boyfriend I was gonna buy him the patch or the gum when I got a job. Who knows if that would work though.

Apparently there's this pill you can take now where if you take them, it takes away the cravings... and if you have a cigarette, your body rejects it, and you throw up. Maybe that would be worth looking into.

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies it's compromise that moves us along"
Re: The Cigarettes
July 30, 2007 06:15PM
I was a smoker, but I'm in advertising its sometimes the only breaks i can take between 12-13 hour conceptualising..Saying that i have managed to quit by just NOT doing it. And i used to smoke a pack a day..It gross u smell bad and what worked for me was i totally put myself off them by saying stuff like:
you stink, your clothes stink, your breath stinks you look horrible..After those "affirmations" you wake up one morning and feel sooo digusting that u quit. Strangely enough i get better ideas now that i dont smoke im not sure if that is psychological but yeah...Try that or substitute the ciggs for gum..

Re: The Cigarettes
July 31, 2007 02:26AM
the medication is called chantix and we go through it like water at the pharmacy where we work (keep in mind this is a hospital pharmacy and not an out patient)

i may just be naive but ive always been a believer that self control and restraint are all it takes for success....
not being able to do so is a sign of a deeper underlying attachment/insecurity issue

Post Edited (07-31-07 16:33)
Re: The Cigarettes
July 31, 2007 02:44PM
The real question is why do people smoke when you know you're gonna get a dozen comments a day about how smoking is bad for you? I mean, if people were coming up to me all day saying that masturbation was bad for my health, I'd probably stop doing it in public.
Re: The Cigarettes
August 03, 2007 06:08AM
never smoked a cigarette, never will. Alcohol is another story though, I have a beer every now and then when I go out.
Re: The Cigarettes
August 03, 2007 07:35AM
I tend to end up taking one drag of a cigarette in the drunkest of states, and it sends me into a full on rant about how gross smoking is and is enough to make me leave fags alone for the next 6 months. I think it only happens because all of my friends smoke and I find the smell of cigarette smoke really appealing when drunk, so while I'm entirely oblivious to any kind of peer pressure, there're just always loads of cigarettes around.

It pisses me off enough coming home stinking of smoke twice a week, I cannot fathom how people put up smelling like that constantly. Or how people put up being so fucking dependant; one of my friends plans out parts of his day around when he can get a smoke. Yay smoking ban.

~ Sofi ~

"And so tomorrow there will be another number for the one who had a name."
Re: The Cigarettes
August 06, 2007 12:27AM
I love the pubs in Dublin. Best music, best smoking policy.

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Re: The Cigarettes
August 06, 2007 06:12AM
Message deleted on 2015-09-05 06:30:16 PDT
Re: The Cigarettes
August 07, 2007 12:46AM
I dont believe its an underlying issue, but u are right it is about self control. However the addiction does become chemical. ITS HARD to quit especially since every goddamn person around me smokes!!! but its been 3 months and even when i go out and get very drunk i dont touch the stuff. If i cant handle the day i chew gum and go for long ass walks.

As for being bombarded about how bad smoking is for you, alot of stuff is bad for you just not as widely publicized. You can only quit if you WANT to quit.


Re: The Cigarettes
August 09, 2007 08:06AM
You can also buy some stress balls. Really helps... and if it doesn't, just eat them as if it is chewing gum.

Post this image everywhere you can, in avatars, signatures, just everywhere
Re: The Cigarettes
August 12, 2007 11:25PM
LOL no im doing well, ok thats a lie i slipped up last night sad smiley but it felt horrible like i inhaled a cig for the first time...U right thought i need to do something with my hands, i fidget soo much and cant seem to sit still.

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