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the passion of the christ
February 28, 2004 03:48PM
note: i am not a christian. i am agnostic, meaning i believe in a god of sorts (i could go into a long discussion about god alone), but i do not believe in any kind of organized religion. with that said...

i just saw the movie. very powerful, very graphic, very beautiful. it's one of those movies you see once, thought it was great, but never want to see again (example: monster's ball).


here's my beef and maybe someone can help me with my first point. one, was there really an earthquake when jesus finally died on the cross that destroyed the temple (according to the bible)? two, the devil is shown throughout this movie, and the only time where it worked well was at the beginning when jesus was in the garden asking god to free him of his mission. all the other times the devil is shown is either unnecessary, comical or both. three, it should have ended with mary holding her dead son in front of the cross, fade to black. it shouldn't have ended in the super righteous way gibson ended it. if it wasn't for the devil stuff and the very ending, gibson would have made a semi-objective (as objective as you can get with a story about jesus made by a christian) movie that christians and non-christians can take something out of.

this movie emphasizes that no matter what you believe (jesus died for our sins, jesus was just a prophet, jesus was just a guy, jesus didn't even exist), jesus christ is a significant, powerful figure in history and world culture.

Post Edited (02-29-04 00:50)

~ Eric of Wisconsin ~

Nine Days and John Hampson music featured in my independent feature film "Will and Testament"!

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Re: the passion of the christ
February 28, 2004 04:33PM
I consider myself to be agnostic as well but come armed with a good grasp of the religion from 13 years of Catholic (eegads!) schooling.

As for the earthquake, Matthew 27:50-52 reads: "Jesus again gave a loud cry and breathed his last. Then the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split apart, the graves broke open, and many of God's people who had died were raised to life."

So yes, in the Bible, there was an earthquake of sorts. No temple destruction, however. It wasn't destroyed until around 70 AD (this was the second time, the first time it was destroyed was around 580 BC by the Babylonians).

As for the the devil, sounds interesting to me. Haven't seen the movie, but I agree that if you want to the message to be that "This guy went through hell for all of you," you'd leave it right after his death. But I think he also wanted to show that it wasn't all in vain after all with the resurrection and hope of eternal salvation.

On other notes, do you think this movie has ruined Gibson's career, as some want us to believe? And was it rampant with anti-Semitic messages, like others (or probably the same) would want us to believe?


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Re: the passion of the christ
February 28, 2004 08:34PM
I am yet to see this film and not sure if i will

but i did watch an interview with gibson in regards to this movie - i think it was an american interview they were showing here on one of our current affair programs - was it diane sawyer??? anyway they were trying to portray him as a looney, and i think some people may have seen it that way.

I think gibson is bigger than this though and it will not ruin his career at all
Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 12:51AM
yeah, this won't ruin his career. cripes, this is going to be the biggest indepedent movie of all time. all the money gibson put into this was made back the first day. plus it was a beautiful movie.

as for the ant-semitism, that's BS. you can't tell a story of the crucifiction of christ without saying that the jews were partially to blame. that's how it is in the bible, and that's how it is in every rendition of the crucifiction story. the jews were to blame and the romans were to blame. and hell, god was to blame because it was in the story, the story in the bible the movie is based on. there's no overemphasis of blaming the jews. just the way it was in the bible and every other story i've heard, read or seen about this. so, NO, it was anti-semitic. and the violence is what made the movie powerful, moving and beautiful. so, NO, it wasn't too violent. that's all i have to say for now. goodbye.

~ Eric of Wisconsin ~

Nine Days and John Hampson music featured in my independent feature film "Will and Testament"!

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Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 01:01AM
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Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 01:14AM
Message deleted on 2015-09-05 06:30:16 PDT
Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 03:37AM
no way! really? i must have missed that part...

~ Eric of Wisconsin ~

Nine Days and John Hampson music featured in my independent feature film "Will and Testament"!

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Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 12:51PM
I saw the movie last night and it was an amazing movie. While I was glad that I went to see it, I would have to agree with the sentiment that I would not like to see it again. It was graphic, but artistic; religious (obviously) but not obnoxiously one sided. I don't feel that it was at all anti-semetic, I mean as per the bible, both the romans and jews were at fault for the occurrence of events. While the jews first captured Jesus, it was the romans that truly tortured him till the very end.

While the movie is not for the weak of heart/stomach I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in religion.
Re: the passion of the christ
February 29, 2004 01:54PM
I just saw the movie today and I thought it was an awesome movie. It really makes you think about things. I've always knew that's what happened but I never really had the images that were displayed in the movie in my head and it's pretty hardcore I guess you could say. It really made me think and feel horrible for all the stupid things i've done because He went through all of that for us and it's just like why me. How can He love me that much. It's just beyond me to understand it.

Re: the passion of the christ
March 01, 2004 04:01PM
Saw it tonight. Thought it was very well-made, well-acted, and well-written. But the beating was so intense I can't recommend it to anyone else. So intense. How anyone can do that to a human being boggles my mind.

I thought Satan was well done and I liked that Judas wasn't demonized terribly, because I like Judas. I thought the Romans were a little too exaggerated, but I saw no anti-semitism.

And I thought the resurrection at the end was excellent.

Very good movie, didn't drag, but too gorey.


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