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If the band could read this in time...

Posted by taylor814 

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 23, 2003 04:57PM
i think he has a fascination with anyone that has a pulse.
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 24, 2003 05:03AM
Me, respond to posts on a board?


Regular Participation?


Charming, witty, and enchanting?


I love you Madonna..

I mean Revolving S...

I mean one songg..oh wait you don't have a pulse tongue sticking out smiley

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 24, 2003 10:58AM
haha, yea i know you love me! and hey who called me cool winking smiley i think you're cool too
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 24, 2003 11:28AM
sorry alan, it was a bad joke. i was in a foul mood last night.
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 24, 2003 02:14PM
Oh you do huh? Well why did I even say it! grinning smiley

It's ok I guess Melissa.. crosses arms#.. hold me while I cry.

Are you feelin better?! smiling smiley

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 24, 2003 03:27PM
lol... Thanks Madonna.

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 25, 2003 02:07PM
just wonderin if anyone knew of a good place to stay thats fairly cheap within like a 45 minute radius of the show???thanks~thomas
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 25, 2003 05:29PM
The street, 45 minutes in each direction of you.

lays down on sidewalk@

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 01:49AM
halarious alan, now if anyone besides the smart ass here has a clue could thy please let me know...thanks a lot to everyone except alan...thomas
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 03:00AM
Thomas i love you more and more each and every day...even though you dont talk to me on IM any more...


Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 03:41AM
Thomas... check out these places:

whats wrong with all of you if u need info always ask me i will always find it,

2.6mi away Huntington Hilton
598 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747
(631) 845-1000
(800) 445-8667 (toll-free)

3.7mi Melville Marriott Hotel
1350 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747
(631) 423-1600
(800) 228-9290

13.2mi Wyndham Wind Watch Hotel
1717 Vanderbilt Parkway, Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 232-9800

14.5mi Sheraton Long Island Hotel
110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 851-0928

I have no clue how much any of these are... but Lou posted them awhile ago... Good luck! Have fun!

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 05:12AM
Yeah.. good luck getting into any of them.. or finding any of them for that matter!

Rolls over@

Fione.. that's pretty damn contradicting but Thomas does it for you I guess.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 09:03AM
"Fione.. that's pretty damn contradicting but Thomas does it for you I guess."

Its called pretend...i do that from time to time...

thomas is a nice guy...good kid.

why exactly are you being mean to thomas?

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 09:07AM
I think it's called screwing with him just like you screw with me and are pretty serious with me all the time.

Oh you were just joking?
Oh ok. Why didn't I see that?

Stop pretending you pretender.. hey, just like the show.

I'll take your word that he's a good kid and a nice guy. You seem to like him so you must know.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 12:58PM
enough ######## dude because pretty much your not real funny actually..i dont think it hurts to be nice in awhile ya know..being an as doesnt get you to far..everyone here rocks but mr musclemalone....thomas
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 26, 2003 01:11PM
Don't be a hater taylor814. I know I'm hilarious. I'm sorry if something directed towards you was not met in the best of terms.

I never thought I'd be the one saying this but you totally take things the wrong way.

Rocks on into the night@

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 06:38AM
trust me dude i dont hate a lot of people at all only smart asses that act like there 2..if ou really find pleasure in doing that on a message board then you got some problems..hope everyone else on here is good, hope to here from you all, the show is tommrow, cant wait to go...thomas
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 06:57AM
"You wan't the truth? You can't handle the truth!"

Oh that Nicholson got it right.

If you can't take my heat taylor814 you're not gonna last very long on this board. I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

Here's a hint: I'm not really talking about myself.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 07:25AM
I hope that thomas will always stay...hes GREAT...

posting on the board to see who can be alpha dog(or poster) isnt really the point...the point is to come together and love the music and maybe make a couple friends on the way...

i personaly though you say your joking feel like your being mean...and by thomas' response i believe thats the way he took it also...not to mention your posts on other threads...i understand and respect you have your opinions but so do other ppl...on all topics

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 07:41AM
Thomas, did you ever find a place for you and your friends to stay? I'm from LI, I may be able to help you out with finding somewhere.
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 09:12AM
I don't know where you got the first part from Fione.

Is it because I have the most post on the board probably? I wouldn't know but I think I do.

Anyway, I have never brought that up and neither has anyone else except for you.

I knew there was some underlying disdain you have for me.

Maybe I should try out for Nine Days, change my name to Thomas, live in the North, or do something that I cannot even fathom and maybe you'll like me like you like Thomas. As far as I know he hasn't done anything special except just show up and I show up a lot more often if that's such a great thing.

The bottom line is that any time you respond to one of my posts you are always mean to me or at the least, extremely serious and I just don't get it. I mean I understand what you are saying but it doesn't make sense why you feel such "reserved" anger towards me. There have always been jokes and sarcasm on this board from lots of other people that are currently posting and to single me out and tell me I'm a "big meany" is ridiculous.

You need to grow up and stop singling me out and open your eyes wide enough to see I'm not the bad guy here and I'm not the one being mean to you.

For some reason I can't joke but others can and you see there posts as a joke. That's just a little bit wrong and completely ridiculous don't you think?

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 01:10PM
"completely ridiculous don't you think?"

Not at all

"Is it because I have the most post on the board probably? I wouldn't know but I think I do."

i couldnt care in the least how many posts you have...

"it doesn't make sense why you feel such "reserved" anger towards me"

I have no anger, just annoyance

"You need to grow up and stop singling me out and open your eyes wide enough to see I'm not the bad guy here and I'm not the one being mean to you. "

Ill see what i can do

anyway not sure if Thomas found a place or not but he left earlier today around 4:30

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 01:24PM
Then don't say things that contradict how you really feel.

You just said it's not about being the alpha dog and all of that. So if you weren't referring to how many posts I have then I don't know who you are talking about.

I don't get what you are annoyed at. You always put me down and everything I say you contradict, or pillage, or act seriously towards.

So it is completely ridiculous. I see you carefully left out the part where at least the majority of this board makes cracks and sarcastic remarks and you are fine with it.

That's a good job of taking pieces or 20 percent of my response and making crude remarks. Heck of a job. (More of my sarcasm).

bully for taylor814.. he probably took a piss at about 4:46..

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 01:33PM
Im done with you...and thats all i have to say

and my name is mandy not fione...

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 01:49PM
man dude you have problems with people you never met, way to go dude, keep it up and you'll get far..oh and your right i havent done anything special here mna, im just being nice to everyone on here thats nice to me..but yeh im done arguing with you, no sense in it..and to "Sometimes" no we actually havent found a place yet but oh well we're leaving at 5 tommroow mornign so i wont be able to chekc to e-mail or anything if you can help..thanks though...thomas
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 02:06PM
You are an idiot. It makes no sense why you single me out. You hate for no reason.

YOU SAID MANDY OR FIONE. Make up your damn mind and remember what comes out of your stinking mouth.

Remember how you were thinking about it? You better think about growin up soon because it's gonna slap you in the face one day and I wish I could be there to laugh and laugh and laugh.

If you make any future or new posts by the way I'm gonna respond because that is what the board is about. It's about responding to posts; not being yelled at and belittled for no reason by little teen beats.

Now I'm done with you too.

Oh and to that other idiot taylor814.. mind your damn business man. Just like you're fed up with me I'm sure as heck fed up with you. You're trying to make things one sided. She has a problem with me as much as I have a problem with her and vice versa. The same goes for you; why don't you make a logical argument for once drummer boy, bada-rump pu-pump pump.

Hopefully you two don't get together and make idiot kids. There will just be more people to look down on others for no reason at all and belittle someone for making a comment just trying to interact with the board like ANYONE ELSE has.

Meanwhile the males will get mad like little girls because someone made a joke on their tab. Once again you can't handle the truth and you never will be able to.

But since you are both done with me don't bother responding to this. It will be just another contradiction on either one of your parts and it will show your stupidity on top of how bitter you are that I make such brilliant points.

Alan left at 10:00 p.m.

I absolutely love her when she smiles
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 02:55PM
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 10:48PM
"YOU SAID MANDY OR FIONE. Make up your damn mind and remember what comes out of your stinking mouth"

In an away message I once said Mandy AKA was a joke...i never asked you to call me that

"Remember how you were thinking about it? You better think about growin up soon because it's gonna slap you in the face one day and I wish I could be there to laugh and laugh and laugh."

What kind of guy threatens or would actually hit a girl...dealing with things through violence is completely insane. But have fun with that because you will never hit me...all the way in texas id like to see you try.

oh and also why dont you learn to grow up also

"Hopefully you two don't get together and make idiot kids. There will just be more people to look down on others for no reason at all and belittle someone for making a comment just trying to interact with the board like ANYONE ELSE has."

HAHAHAHA thomas...cmon babe lets go at it

"But since you are both done with me don't bother responding to this. It will be just another contradiction on either one of your parts and it will show your stupidity on top of how bitter you are that I make such brilliant points."

Yeah thats are so right i cant stand it...brilliant... ::claps hands:: good job

now that was blatant sarcasm...

Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 27, 2003 11:12PM
oooh handbags out!!!!

Seriously guys - it's getting silly! Live and let live hey?


I am a free radical!

'apparently she is so weird and messed up, hannah had to make her promise not to f!ck me up completely'
Re: If the band could read this in time...
March 28, 2003 07:39AM
Hey! whats up cat?

how are ya?

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